“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found that yet, keep looking, and don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it”. – Steve Jobs
In 2019 un-employment is at an all-time low in the UK. The competition is fierce, and the job market is fast-paced and ever evolving, today more than ever; job satisfaction, feeling valued, respected and above all else happy in the workplace take precedent over the old-fashioned favourite money, money, money! All things considered it is not surprising to hear people are no longer staying with their employer for the entirety of their career, as a country we are more open to opportunities and growth than ever before. Kameo Recruitment have been asking around to gauge a better understanding of what Cambridge’s employees are looking for in their next employer and here’s what we found….
“I am looking for an innovative and forward-thinking business that I have a personal interest in. Culture is key. A business that trusts and gives you autonomy. There is also a strong sense of team and you work together to reach a ‘common goal’ – Marketing Executive
“Flexible working and the ability to work from home is a big factor. Plenty of opportunity to grow and develop within the company. I would love to work somewhere that provides a benefit to others.” – Editorial Projector Manager
“I am looking for a collaborative company where people’s views and opinions are respected, along with the opportunity to grow and develop. I’d also like to work for a business who have a great social ethos and a drive to further their employees” – Office Manager
The 2018 Global Talent Trends study by Mercer discovered three things potential employees are looking for moving forward; permanent workplace flexibility, a commitment to health and well-being and working with a purpose. This is synonymous with our Cambridge employees who each stated their future employer needs to hold at least one of those attributes.
Kameo recently attended a breakfast seminar on Corporate Social Responsibility which opened our eyes to some staggering statistics which suggest how highly valued CSR is to individuals. Although the business practice is still evolving, it is already widely accepted and deemed necessary by many employees working in today’s socially conscious world and as such should no longer be an option to an employer.
Overall it would appear employees are looking for benefits beyond the basics. Supplementing a salary by assisting in other areas of an employee’s life is not going to be turned down, but with every other employer offering those things today’s employees are looking for an employer who genuinely cares. One who offers personal touches that say; “we’re a business who is going the extra mile not only for our staff but our community and world around us”.
(Forbes “What Employees Really Want At Work” July 2018).
(Office For National Statistics, July 2019)